// Social Media Video Production

You would have had to have been living under a rock to not notice the explosion in growth and reach of Social Media and its numerous platforms. Between 2017 and 2018, views of branded video content have increased 99% on Youtube and by a whopping 3258% on Facebook. A video posted on Twitter, is over 6 times more likely to be retweeted than the a photo. Those staggering numbers alone, should indicate the power of Social Media and the impact it could have on your business and its success. With every budget in mind, Young Buck Media can accomodate and produce all types of social media videos. Be it for business or personal, we have you covered.


Sovereign Interiors

David Jones

Campari & Marivale

Rhodes central shopping

De Rucci

Let's Talk About Your Next Project

We're looking forward to discussing your next testimonial video project. Fill in the details below and we'll be in touch shortly.